Friday, November 7, 2008


Well again time has slipped away. Some good stuff has been happening!!

-I have talked to my sister at long last (I have missed our talks and hanging out)

- the new unit has opened at work :) My official first day was yesterday, and it was busy but good. Nice little unit with lovely staff...lots of laughs and good times.

-Some bad news: Lenny Kravitz cancelled his show yet AGAIN and we missed out. I now have $200 that I have already spent 3 months ago...hmmmm....well it can be used for many different things: stamps ect, shoes, my BFF's wedding stuff (I mean comon! I need a new outfit for her getaway in Whistler! Come to think of it I need a new jacket and boots! See the money is already spent...again!

Been feeling kind of reflective about friends and what I think is a true blue friend. Unfortunately, I think some people are only there when they 'need' you or need something form you in particular. I really hope that my unconditional rule of friendship will get me through this...


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